
Hi there, I’m Sarah Snow! Presently, I live with five birds, two dogs, and my incredible partner, Jason.

I’ve been a “parront” to my little birdies for over eleven years now and have learned a lot about living with parrots over the years.

I am not a vet, but I have also volunteered extensively with a local bird rescue; I’m pretty good at parroting the information I’ve learned *from* the experts, though!

Our Flock

The Big Parrots

Vi, a double yellow headed amazon, plays inside a cardboard box she has mostly destroyed. Standing in front of her on the hardwood floor is Louie, the male eclectus parrot, looking cheeky.
Active birds are healthy birds!

Louie, the male eclectus, is ~15 years old. He has a corn allergy, which makes him toe-tap! He also had extremely high liver values, probably due to a poor diet prior to living with me–but we’ve actually managed to lower them through diet! We’ve learned quite a bit to navigate his special dietary needs.

Vi, the female double-yellow headed Amazon, is ~35 years old. Her main issue is behavioral — she was rather neglected before she came home to us, and has a tendency to scream. She’s also prone to crop infections, so I sometimes write about how we handle and maintain her health.

The Little Parrots

Two cockatiels and a parakeet wearing a safety collar eat millet on top of a stand.

Our two little cockatiels are Gandalf the Grey (8 years) and Q-Tip the Sunny (12 years old).

We also have Rowena the parakeet (7 years old) — she’s a plucker due to the fact that her heart is two sizes too big! We had an xray done of her once upon a time to see if we could identify the culprit — she spends most of her time in a collar and on medication to prevent her from hurting herself, but in spite of her challenges, she is extremely happy, playful, and chirpy.

We also have two incredible dogs — a shar pei and a shar pei mix — who through a mix of breed temperment and training on our part, we’ve trained to be very gentle around our birds! You can see them all below:

If you’re here, I hope this blog helps you in some way! You can always say ‘hi’ through visiting our contact page.

If they’ll let you, give your fids a squeeze for me. 🙂

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